We use a combination of research and our lived experience to provide a unique and relatable learning opportunity for students.

A life changing experience for students”


Maximum two year groups per presentation

1 Presentation


2 Presentation Package


3 Presentation Package


The Workshops:

Gaming and Social Media

Fighting the Addiction

Workshop covers :

  • What dopamine is, how it works, and it’s response to gaming

  • Understanding gaming addiction and its impact on family, school, and social life

  • Finding balance

  • Breaking the addiction using the LEAP system

The reality is that children and youth across the world are becoming increasingly addicted and driven by the online world. We are seeing a complete deterioration of focus, attention, and motivation, as well as the suffering of relationships with friends and family. This modern day issue is nothing short of an epidemic.

The impact this has on learning in the classroom is undeniable. In fact, studies have shown a harsh decline in NAPLAN results and academic performance from young students since Apple first introduced the smart phone in 2007 and games and technology took the world by storm.

This highly practical workshop takes students on a journey of understanding about digital addiction from someone who has been there and done that. We share a combination of lived experience as well as science based research to teach your students about the negative impacts of the online world and provide the necessary tools to overcome these challenges.


The Foundation of Life

Workshop covers :

  • The importance of sleep

  • How gaming and blue light impacts sleep

  • Circadian rhythms and sunlight

  • The sleep cycles

  • Sleep hygiene

When it comes to health and well-being, nothing is more important than a good night’s sleep. The duration and quality of sleep effects every aspect and function of the human brain, body, and mind. More vehicular accidents are caused by tired drivers than drugs and alcohol combined, and yet, how many students turn up to class with bags under their glazed over eyes and a look that makes you think they might just fall asleep on the spot?

73% of High School students are chronically sleep deprived which has lead to a large rise in cases of depression and anxiety. Phones and other screens are known to be the biggest catalyst when it comes to lack of sleep in students and the rest of the population.

Learning the benefits of sleep and implanting the notion of a healthy sleep schedule from a young age is paramount when it comes to your students mental and physical health and well-being.

This essential workshop will explore the super human like benefits of sleep, the beautiful power of sleep cycles, how to increase quality and duration of sleep, what a circadian rhythm is and how anyone can leverage this biological function to improve their overall health. As somebody who lived for years without a sleep schedule and who now has a quality relationship with sleep, this workshop will serve to impart my lived experience as well as science based knowledge into your students.

Stress Management

Understand, Overcome, Harness

Coming Soon!