Fighting Digital Addiction.

Teaching Students of Australia Healthy Life Habits

  • Gaming and Social Media

  • Sleep Habits

  • Stress Management

“A life changing experience for students”

Helping Students Win the Battle Against Technology

In a highly stimulating, hyperconnected, short form content world, it’s easy for young people’s attention to become a bit like that of a goldfish. Drawing from our extensive research and lived experience, we teach secondary students about the dangers of technology and how to regain control of their life.

Practical and engaging workshops based on research and our lived experience provide a powerful learning opportunity that changes attitudes and behaviours.


Gaming and Social Media

Beating the Addiction

Workshop covers :

  • The pros and cons of gaming

  • What dopamine is, how it works, and it’s response to gaming

  • Understanding gaming addiction and its impact on family, school, and social life

  • Finding balance


The Foundation of Life

Workshop covers :

  • The importance of sleep

  • How gaming and blue light impact sleep

  • Circadian rhythms and sunlight

  • Sleep hygiene

  • How to adopt a healthy sleeping schedule

Stress Management

Work With it, Not Against it

Coming Soon!